From the Heart

From the Heart
I simply love to cook!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why I'm Writing

I am a foodie.  I was a foodie long before it had a name.  Some of today's foodie elites may argue that I don’t have the resume’ to be in their club.  I rarely dine at 5 star high priced restaurants; not that I don’t like them, I can’t afford them. I'm not a professional chef, I don't own a restaurant, and I'm not a food critic.  On the plus side I love to cook, and eat all types of foods from all around the world.  Additionally, I produced two local cooking shows, “Florida Style” and “On the Menu” in the 90’s, both lasted about 5 years one aired in the Mobile, Pensacola market and the other on local cable.
Most of the time, my meals are prepared in my kitchen where I enjoy exploring cuisines from around the world and sharing my creations with family and friends.  When my wife and I do go out or travel, I search for exceptional restaurants with affordable pricing and I lean toward ethic menus and chefs that love to prepare bizarre fare.
My wife (Shirley) and I spent the Christmas and New Years holiday with our oldest daughter (my stepdaughter) in NYC.  As I was dragging the two of them to restaurant after restaurant with menus not generally acceptable to the American palette and commenting on my impression of the tasty nasty bits teasing my taste buds, our daughter suggested that I create this blog.  So Michelle here it is…

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